Our school is one of the oldest schools in Serbia, and it has a tradition that lasts over 180 years. Some of our students prefer social subjects, some of the natural subjects and the students can also chose IT sector. Our students, with help of their teachers, win many rewards on competitions every day. Every year our school participates in student exchange program, so every year we have a few students from all over the world.
The goal of our project is:
Introduction of new innovative methods in teaching
Improving the quality of institution
Regional cooperation with other schools
1. Introduction of new innovative methods in teaching
Our teachers have been to many courses for education. And even with those courses we believe that there are many other courses that can improve quality of education. Because of that, some of our teachers will visit courses after witch they will to educate other teachers and like that to improve the
quality of education in whole school.
Courses that are planned are:
Student-centered-Classroom: teachers as promoters of active learning, Florence/Italy
Project Based Learning in the Classroom, Florence/Italy
Going Digital in an Innovative Classroom, Prague/Czech Republic
2. Improving the quality of institution
In some of the courses, the teacher will develop the ability in the assessment the quality of teaching.
Because of that they will be able to educate other teachers from our and other schools.
3. Regional cooperation with other schools
In this project, teacher and pshychologist will visit school in other countrie where they will accompany the IT class and meet with other ways of solving the problems with children. After that, they will share their knowledge with other teachers and help them for participation in e-Twining projects. We are planning to visit school ,,Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi,, in Manavgat, Turkey.
У оквиру Еразмус+ пројекта “Школа будућности”, наше колегинице, Драгана Секулић Пилиповић и Драгана Петровић, посетиће средњу школу Muzaffer Büyük у Турској, у граду Манавгат. У току наредне недеље имаће прилику да се упознају са радом школе, приступом у раду са талентованим ученицима коришћењем технологија у образовању и са образовним системом у Турској.
У среду 6.11.2019. године др Милан Милошевић, доцент на Природно-математичком факултету у Нишу, одржао је матурантима Гимназије Зајечар предавање на тему “Еволуција звезда и настанак црних рупа – како смо видели невидљиво”. Током овог предавања било је речи и о судбини нашег Сунца, али и о начину на који је начињена прва фотографија црне рупе. Ова посета организована је у оквиру пројекта “Аполо на мрежи” који реализује Астрономско друштво Алфа, уз подршку Центра за промоцију науке.